Request for Quotation (RfQ)

Request for Quotation (RfQ)

Request for Quotation (RfQ)

for the

 Production of (7) seven podcasts and social media content promotion

  • Activity: WPS heroes from all generations – Series of podcasts

Implemented by: SHE SOLUTIONS as partner organization of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network Kosovo Antenna in the framework of the project “Mediterranean Women Mediators Network” Phase VII.

Funded and promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy.

Date: 15.04.2024


The mission of the SHE Solutions NGO is to enhance the involvement of girls and women in diverse political processes, the security sector, education, business development, and information dissemination. The organization aims to accomplish its mission in compliance with the Law on Freedom of Association for NGOs. It continually strives towards this goal through lobbying, research, organizing and participating in various roundtables, as well as implementing various interventions independently or in collaboration with other partners. These interventions encompass training, information dissemination, and direct support.


In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the UN Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security in 2025, countries worldwide are assessing their progress in implementing the principles of this resolution and addressing the ongoing challenges in achieving gender-balanced societies. In this context, SHE Solutions is launching a series of podcasts featuring women who have played roles in fostering Peace and Security over the past 25 years in Kosovo. These podcasts will be streamed online, promoting their stories, and culminating in an informal gathering to celebrate their contributions.

For this purpose, the organization is seeking quotations from professional companies to produce (7) seven podcasts and promote the corresponding social media content.

Responsibilities & Tasks

The company, in continuous coordination with the organization team, should provide the following services:

  •       Ensure and provide suitable studio environment and professional equipment for recording.
  •       Record the material for the (7) podcasts.
  •       Edit and finalize the recorded material.
  •       Translate the text from Albanian to English.
  •       Insert the subtitles to the (7) seven podcasts.
  •       Promote the corresponding social media content.

Time frame

Interested companies can apply by sending their quotation/offer and supporting documents by April 24, 2024, to: with the subject: “Production of seven podcasts and social media content promotion.”

The selected company is expected to commence work by April 29, 2024, and finalize all services and products no later than June 10, 2024.

Supporting documents:

Interested companies must submit the following documents:

• The financial quotation/offer for each task listed under Responsibilities & Tasks.

• Confirmation of the availability of the professional recording environment and equipment.

• Portfolio showcasing their previous works.

• All documents should be submitted in English via email only.

Evaluation of Quotations

All quotations/offers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

40% Previous experience

30% Recording facilities & equipment

30% Lowest price

Upon the evaluation of the offers/quotations, all applicants will be notified of the results.

You can download the Request for Quotation below

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